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Facebook Most Useful Tips And Tricks

Facebook is a leading social networking website in all over the world. Now a days most of the people using Facebook but they don’t know about the hidden tips and tricks. So today I am sharing some Facebook tips n trick that you might not know. So let’s start

How to find who unfriend | Delete you on the Facebook

 Now you can find that who deleted or unfriend you on the Facebook using this application called who delete me from Facebook. This application will be back up all the your  friends list that when you sign up for first time and notifies via mail you whenever there is the change in your friend list.
check who unfriend you on Facebook to see

Trick to offline for some Friend and Online for Some Friends

Sometimes if you busy or you don’t want to talk with some friends . They are disturbing you so here is simple trick that you make offline for some friends and if you want to offline for all and you want to just online for some friends. So that you can here is simple trick that you can do just follow the some steps like below

 How to Schedule Facebook Messages

Let’s you schedule the Facebook messages ahead of sometime so you can easily send the messages to your Family, friends, colleagues and customers in the future. set the date and time with your own choice .so here just follow the some step CLICK HERE to see 

Change The Facebook's Posted via text Like Picture

Have you noticed that when sometimes you update the Facebook status from the mobile and  Facebook adds a like that "Posted via Mobile" link at a bottom of it? Then you can change that to say From moon things like "via London” or "via IPhone 5" you To do this andjust go to PostedVia choose the delivery option and then update your status or the post to the friend's wall.Facebook's Posted 



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