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Step By Step Tutorial On How To Hack FB ID Using Phishing

Hacking Facebook accounts is one of the most trending and irritating topics around the internet on different tech forums so i thought why not let's cover a topic on Facebook hacking using phishing method.

Phishing :-

Phishing refers to obtaining of confidential data (mainly User Id's & Passwords) from internet users, typically by sending a link to an unsuspecting user which appears to have been came from an legitamate source but redirects the user to the fake version of the same link.

Nowadays, The most common phishing pages on internet are found to be of financial organization or social media platforms (PayPal, Facebook, G-Mail).
                       **This Is For Educational Purposes Only**
In this tutorial, i am going to guide you through the easiest process of phishing there could be. For the process we will be using Facebook as our legitimate source.

Steps To Follow :-
  • First you have to create a free webhost account where you will host these files. I recommend FREEHOSTINGNOADS or you can use any other free webhosting sites like is a preety cool free webhosting site, go here and create a free account.
  • Once you have your account set-up, log-in and you will be presented with a page to create a subdomain. Choose FreeNoAds from the menu named "Hosting Plan" and click on Select.
  • Now just fill the required details and click on Create.
  • If everything went alright till now, your account would be created and you will be presented with a page similar like this.
  • Now open facebook login page Right Click anywhere on page and select View Source 
  • Scroll Down and you will find 'File Manager', Open it and upload the file you've downloaded in the first step to create a facebook look-a-like webpage.
  • That's it. Now just goto and you will be presented with a facebook login page.
The id and passwords will be stored in the log file, which can be accessed by going to
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  1. The Files -File 1 (Facebook Clone)
    File 2 (PHP Script)
    File 3 (Log File) are not available thru given link... Please, repost the correct links. Thx


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