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Top 10 KeyBoard Shortcuts Everyone Should Know

Using keyboard shortcuts can greatly increase your productivity, reduce repetitive strain, and help keep you focused. For example, highlighting text with the keyboard and pressing Ctrl + C is much faster than taking your hand from the keyboard, highlighting the text using the mouse, clicking copy from the file menu, and then putting your hand back in place on the keyboard. Below are our top 10 keyboard shortcuts we recommend everyone memorize and use.

Very Easy Trick To Lock Your Computer

Very useful when you have to leave your system on for some time and you have to go some where else... Right click on an empty area of the desktop and choose ' new ' then ' shortcut .' The create shortcut wizard will open. In the first text box, type ' %windir%\\System32\\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation ' and then give your shortcut an appropriate name on the next page, and hit ' finish .' You will notice that the shortcut you created has a blank icon. To select a more appropriate one, right click on the shortcut and hit ' properties .' In the 'shortcut' tab, click the ' change icon ' button. Else u can simply press the \" window key + l \" to lock your computer. You can also use the following keyboard shortcuts with a Microsoft Natural Keyboard or any other compatible keyboard that includes the Windows logo key and the Application key. Do you have questions, comments, or suggestions? Feel free to post a ...

Best AntiVirus For Android Devices

With every other person owning an Android phone or tablet, it is of great need to make Android users aware about the antivirus programs available for their computing gadgets. This OS is open source available for any manufacturer and hence, brings vulnerabilities indicating it can be easily attacked by the viruses in comparison to other OS, be it Windows OS or iOS. An efficient antivirus or anti-malware app can not only protect your Android device from threats you may come across accidentally, but also makes users stay relieved and carefree.

Nokia Secret Codes

Warning! We are not responsible to accident with your mobile phone. You trying these Nokia Secret Codes only at your own risk! We are not admit any explanation. Thanks. Today we will help you to play with your Nokia mobile phones using secret mobile codes . You can display the hidden information of Nokia handsets and troubleshoot the routine problems with the help of these codes. Below secret codes work on most Nokia mobile phones.

6 Extremly Useful And Easy Mozilla Firefox Tips And Tricks

In this article, we will share with you extremely useful Firefox tips and tricks which are very helpful for people using Mozilla Firefox. As all of you know very well, Mozilla Firefox is one of the best, open source browser. To use Mozilla Firefox more efficiently you can use the following tips:

5 Must Have Security Apps For iPhone

Keeping the security measures stringent for your iPhone is indeed very essential. Hackers can steal your confidential data with a help of wiretapping also there are many other iPhone threats . Security apps help you to stay away from hackers and also protects the important data and passwords on your iPhone. Following is a list of 5 popular security apps which are extremely handy to maintain the security of your iPhone. So, simply read along for a deeper grasp on the topic.

How To Add Flying Bird Twitter To Blogger

Make your website/blog cooler than before, attract more twitter follower with the animated flying twitter bird . The twitter bird flies through your blog attracting more followers, if you scroll down the bird follows you to bottom, well that’s the beauty of this bird. Thanks to way2blogging for making such a cute bird.