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Useful Command Prompt Tricks That Everyone Should Know

1. Get help on almost every command :

This command is specially for beginners, but can also be used in day to day life, you can easily get information on almost every command provided in command prompt. Using this trick you can know the details of what a specific command does or what other commands that can be used with it.

For example, if you want to know chain commands of ipconfig, you just have to type ipconfig /? and press enter, now you will see all the related information regarding to ipconfig and its attributes.

2. Use of Function Keys :

The use of functions keys can be really helpful. You can use these keys direct in command prompt and has different results. Here list of function keys and their outputs:

F1 :  Used to paste the previous used command character by character.
F2 :  Used to paste last used command upto a specific character that you provide.
F3 :  Used to paste last used command.
F4 :  It deletes command upto specified character.
F5 :  Pastes last used command without cycling.
F6 :  Pastes ^Z character.
F7 :  It provides a list of previously used commands, you can select any command you want to use              again.
F8 :  Pastes cycleable used commands.
F9 :   Let's user to paste command from the list (F7) of recently used commands.

3. Save a Command to a File :

If you want to save some command result as a .txt file then this command will help you, also you can use snipping tool or screen shot the result if it fits in screen size. To save the results in a txt file just use '> file destination' next to the command. For example ipconfig/? > d:\abc.txt

4. Check ipaddress of any Website :

To check ipaddress of any website you can use ping or nslookup command, example ping or nslookup both will get you websites ipaddress.

5. Execute Multiple Commands :

As the heading suggests with this command you can execute two or more command one after another. For example, ipconfig && dir && ping with this command you can perform all three tasks. First ipconfig will execute then dir and last ping


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