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Introduction to hacking

What is  computer hacking ? In a cyber security  world, the person who is able to discover weakness in a system and managed to  exploit it to accomplish his goal referred as a Hacker , and the process is referred as Hacking. Now a days,  People started think that hacking is only hijacking Facebook accounts or defacing websites.  Yes, it is also part of hacking field but it doesn't mean that it is the main part of hacking. So what is exactly hacking, what should i do to become a hacker?!  Don't worry, you will learn it from break  The Security. The main thing you need to become a hacker is self-interest.  You should always ready to learn something and learn to create something new.  Now , let me explain about different kind of hackers exists  in the  cyber security  world. Script Kiddie Script Kiddies are the persons who use tools , scripts, methods and programs  created by real hackers.  In a simple wor...

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We made this blog to share our ideas,knowledge about technology.We will try to provide you all tips and tricks about gaming,hacking,cracking etc . The blog is dedicated for newbies . We will try to provide you all tech updates.