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Showing posts with the label Hacking

Top 10 Best Hacking Tools For Learners

Hacking always involves tools. A good hacker knows how to use tools to his best advantage. An even better hacker writes his own tools. Here I have listed the top 10 most popular tools used in hacking. It is advisable to master these tools to become a good hacker. Note that all the tools listed here are completely free.

How To Check SOL Injection In a Website Easily

SQLi is the most popular attack on any website these days.There has been an enormous increase in SQL programmers and websites,and the biggest problem with SQL is "Either your perfect/hacked".Due to poor coding programmers often leave vulnerabilities in their site and hackers its our job to inform them and patch them up.So lets see how to check if a site if vulnerable to SQLi

Hacking Windows 7 Password BY Ophcrack

In this tutorial i will explain you to how hack Window 7 password using free open source software called ophcrack. This hack also works on Windows XP and Windows Vista . So let get started.

Common Password Cracking Tricks and Their Countermeasures

There are number of methods out their used by hackers to hack your account or get your personal information . Today in this post i will share with you guys 6 Most commonly used method to crack password and their countermeasures. You must check out this article to be safe and to prevent your online accounts from hacking. Lets Start....

Top 6 Black Hat Hackers

There are two types of hackers . First one are good hackers who are known as "white hat" hackers and another one which we will be talking about today are called "black hat" hackers. In this article, we will be talking about six famous black hat hackers and their hacks which made them famous or wanted.

Top 6 White Hat Hackers

Let’ begin with who is a white hacker ? First of all, white hacker is good , conscientious and ethical hacker, who tries to save the balance of the universe by doing good works. White hats are very useful and it goes without saying they constantly compete with black hats. White hats hackers can be compared with cats, which catch mice, namely they look for defects of the systems . Besides, white hats are computer security guards , they test systems for the level of protection and moreover they improve their skills. Mainly, white hats don’t look for fame or money, they serve in society. It is undeniable that sometimes black hat hackers became white hackers and prevent crimes, because they perfectly know what to do. So who are they main and most famous white hats of all times?

What are Trojans or RAT(Remote Access Trojans)

RAT stands for Remote Access Trojan or Remote Administration Tool. It is one of the most dangerous virus out their over the internet. Hacker can use RAT for hacking or to get complete control to your computer. He can do basically anything with your computer. Using RAT hacker can install keylogger and other malicious viruses remotely to your computer, infect files on your system and more. In this post i will tell you about what hacker can do with your computer using RAT and tell you about some commonly use RAT by hackers.

Hackers Underground HandBook Completely Free

            Hackers underground Handbook is really nice for begineers. It contain some begineers as well as advance hacking tutorials . You can ask for any Ebooks by commenting below i will provide you. If you like my post then subscribe below for such more great ebooks and tutorials Also like my  Facebook Page . The content of book is listed below: Concept of Hacking Programming Linux Network Hacking  Wireless Hacking Windows Hacking Web Hacking Malware DOWNLOAD HERE For any queries,suggestions pls Comment .  

How to Hide Files Behind an Image

There are some important  files or document you want to hide from others on your computer. To do that you might be creating folder inside folder to hide such files but in todays tutorial i will change this by teaching you a interesting trick to hide files behind images.To hide a file behind a image  means that if any one opens that image he will see the image, but to see the hidden file we need to open that image in a specific way. So lets get started.

Introduction to hacking

What is  computer hacking ? In a cyber security  world, the person who is able to discover weakness in a system and managed to  exploit it to accomplish his goal referred as a Hacker , and the process is referred as Hacking. Now a days,  People started think that hacking is only hijacking Facebook accounts or defacing websites.  Yes, it is also part of hacking field but it doesn't mean that it is the main part of hacking. So what is exactly hacking, what should i do to become a hacker?!  Don't worry, you will learn it from break  The Security. The main thing you need to become a hacker is self-interest.  You should always ready to learn something and learn to create something new.  Now , let me explain about different kind of hackers exists  in the  cyber security  world. Script Kiddie Script Kiddies are the persons who use tools , scripts, methods and programs  created by real hackers.  In a simple word, the one who doesn't know how a system works but still